welcome to our world
welcome to our world
HiLounge is the ultimate slipper. It’s perfectly formed for your best lifestyle — getting stuff done and unwinding too.
We’ve worn countless pairs of slippers and wanted a design that ticks every box. Our idea was put to the crowd on Kickstarter, who gave it a big thumbs up and fully funded the product.
We proudly present a slipper that’s your fit — whether you’re on the go, or kicking your toes up. A Slipper which you will never want to take off. Step into a world of luxury comfort!
We created the worlds comfiest slipper that we could for busy feet. We know the importance of downtime in our busy life.
Based in the UK, we are a design team who elevate everyday products. The light, slip-on feature is stretchy with a soft, warm natural wool interior.
It oozes comfort the minute you slip them on and adapts to the contour of your feet.
Sleek and functional, our slipper takes coziness beyond the home, with a versatility you’re bound to love.
Premium elements give our slipper its edge and functionality — from indoor to outdoor. A premium felt, two-piece upper really fits the contours of the foot.
For warm, comfy feet, we developed Qaiwool, our moisture wicking temperature regulated wool lining. It’s moisture wicking abilities enables more effective regulation of body temperature.
Our merino wool insoles absorb odour whilst enhancing insulation. Finally, the TPU outsole absorbs every step, indoor or outdoor.